We exist to help podcasters find success on social media.

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably thought about:

✨ Leveraging social media to grow your podcast

🎧 Converting social media followers into podcast listeners

πŸ’œ Building a loyal community

Luckily, you’re in the right place! For the podcasters who are too busy for social media, we’ve got you covered. With our full service social media management, we do it all for you. No, seriously, all you have do is send us your completed podcast, and we do the rest. We create content for your socials, engage your community, you don’t even have to worry about posting. But if you’re more the DIY type, then The Social Hive is for you. This is a one-of-a-kid community where you get access to exclusive Canva templates, content calendars, social media resources and more!

Our mission

Our mission

You work hard on your podcast, so it’s important to us that you succeed. We will take your social media presence from bland & boring to holy shit amazing! You’ll have peace of mind while we design, customize, and manage your socials to make you stand out from the crowd.

How we’re making it happen πŸ€™

We are a lot of things: a blog, a newsletter and a community.

It’s also safe to say that we’re social media obsessed. But if you’re new to the world of socials, then we’ve got everything you need. With our full social media management services, you send us your completed podcast and we do the rest. We build your social media strategy, create content and engage your community.

Our purpose

Our purpose

We’re podcast obsessed, of course we want every podcast in the world to succeed (because we want to listen to them, duh!) So, we exist to help make that happen!

Meaningful connection 🀝

We bring podcasters together and work to lift each other up

The Social Hive isn’t just about creating content. We're also a community. It’s a place where you can ask your social media questions, join in on monthly challenges, meet other podcasters all while succeeding on social media.

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