Why settle for average when you can be brilliant?

🎧 Get more listeners

✨ Grow your community

👀 Increase views

🎧 Get more listeners ✨ Grow your community 👀 Increase views

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve been trying to use social media to grow your audience but even with consistent posting, you aren’t getting the results you want.

Creating content feels more like a chore. You love creating your podcast but turning it into social media content isn’t so fun.

You’ve got a good amount of followers but your community doesn’t feel engaged. People aren’t commenting or sending you DMs.

No matter how often you post or what you post your social media content isn’t converting followers into podcast listeners.

Now imagine if you could…

✨ Confidently launch your podcast episodes each week

💬 Finally have followers who actually comment on your posts

🎧 Have social media content that gets people listening to your podcast

⏰ Have more time to focus on your podcast instead of your socials

Say hello to social media management

❋ Custom social media strategy designed for your specific goals

❋ Community engagement & DM management

❋ Done for you content, captions & posting.

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

You can have the social media presence of your dreams

It’s as simple as filling out our new client application, then we take it from there! We do a deep dive into your social media, and learn all about your goals, then start create content just for you.

"We've been working with Chelsea for 14 months and have had a great experience. Chelsea is creative and reliable - always scheduling content on time and communicating with professionalism. She's been easy to work with and has been flexible to our needs in the business as they've changed. Our socials have continued to grow and our engagement has improved thanks to her consistent, high quality SM scheduling. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend Chelsea to any business or entrepreneur looking to streamline and fine-tune their social media messaging."


What to expect

What to expect

You’re ready for the next level

You know the truth about social media, you have the drive and inspiration, but sometimes pulling all those puzzle pieces together can be daunting. Social media isn’t just a tool, it’s a space that sets your podcast apart from others. It should connect with who you are and what you offer, while also inspiring others to explore and engage with your brand meaningfully. All you need is someone to give you that push to go further with your socials.

Have a question?
We have answers.

  • All you need to do is fill out a new client application then we will walk you throught the rest!

  • Our packages start at $1500/month. But it all depends on how many accounts you have, the type of content we will create and if you need additional services.

  • While it’s great if you already have a social media, we can help you get started if you’re new to the world of social media.

  • We create videos a few different ways.

    1: We use your recorded podcast and create clips optimized for social

    2: We put together a content calendar and guide you through what to film

    3: We use a mix of your b-roll footage and stock videos

  • It all depends on your social media strategy, but typically 3-5 times per week.

  • Fill out our new client application then we can hop on a discover call where you can ask all you questions.

Meet your social media manager

I didn't start out in the world of social media management (although I'm in love with it now). I actually studied environmental science, I'm a bit of a bird nerd. All was well, I did the school thing and get a 'big girl' job thing. And it was great. Until it wasn't...

My 9-5 job was perfect on paper, but it was soooo boring! I honestly could stand the idea of doing the same boring thing day in and day out.

So long story short, I quit my job, moved across the country and began Honey Bee Social!

Still not sure if social media management is for you?

It’s a big decision, so we want to answer all your burning questions. If you’re thinking a social media manager might be for you but have questions, let us know!