Canva Text Tools That'll Make Your Content Pop!

TL;DR with a few simple clicke you can make your graphics stand out with Canva’s text tools.

✅ There’s a number of different tools that are simple to use.

✅ If you want Canva templates for podcasts, check out The Social Hive.


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What is Canva?

I’m sure by now you have heard about the life-saving tool that is Canva! If you haven’t yet - I’m about to blow your mind! Buckle up!

Canva is a free & paid platform that makes creating beautiful designer-quality graphics and images as easy as can be - even for all of us who have never taken a design course in our lives! Canva has an enormous selection of templates to help you create just about anything you can dream of, from graphics to Pinterest pins, to shareable documents, and even Instagram images!

One of the best ways to customize your Canva designs is with their text tools! Check out all our favourite text tools below!

(P.S- if this is your first time interacting with Canva, we suggest you play around and get a feel for the platform before jumping into these text tools! Try opening up some templates, moving elements around, changing colours, adding text etc!). Let's go!!!

Create ‘Spaced out’ text:

  • Add your text

  • Select your font and text colour

  • Go to the ‘Spacing’ options on the top panel (3 lines with an up and down arrow beside them)

  • Change the letter spacing to be as wide as you’d like! You can also change the line spacing here too if your text has multiple lines.

Created Slanted text:

  • Add your text

  • Select your font and text colour

  • Highlight/select your text

  • Use the ‘rotate’ toggle to slant your text to either side. (This is the circle of arrows that appears beside a selected item. )

Create Neon text:

  • Add your text

  • Select your font and text colour

  • Select your text and go to ‘effects’ (One of the options on the top menu!)

  • Select ‘Neon’

  • Make your adjustments (intensity)

Create curved text:

  • Add your text

  • Select your font and text colour

  • Select your text and go to ‘effects’

  • Select ‘Curved’

  • Adjust the intensity as needed.. You can even make your text a circle!

Create Drop-shadow text:

  • Add your text

  • Select your font, and text colour

  • Select your text and go to ‘effects’

  • Select ‘Shadow’

  • Make your adjustments (shadow colour, offset, etc.)

Ceate wavy text:

  • Add your text in 2-3 different text boxes

  • Space the text boxes out on the same line

  • For the first set of text, go to ‘Effects’ > ‘Curved’ and change the curve amount to what you want (e.g. 60), then do the same for the third text set

  • Select the second text set, go to ‘Effects’ > ‘Curved’ and change the curve amount to the opposite of the other two text sets(e.g. -60)

These are our 6 best and most used text customization tools in Canva! The possibilities are endless when you hone your skills and master a platform - we’d love to hear about it's going! Let me know if you try them out and which ones your favourites are.

Happy Canva-ing!

Hey there 👋 Nice to virtually meet you! I’m Chelsea, social media and podcast enthusiast. I’d love to get to know you better, so here are a few ways we can stay connected:

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📱 If you’re just hanging out on Instagram, you can find me at Honey Bee Social and The Social Hive


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