How to Captivate your Followers to Turn them into Podcast Listeners

TL;DR Follow my 3-part frame work for converting social media followers into podcast listeners

✅ Get clear on your messaging

✅ Set listener expectations

✅ Be consistent


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Struggling to get Podcast Listeners?

Your podcast is an absolute gem, but if your social media falls flat, you’re missing out on podcast listeners. You may have followed all the advice on how to grow your Instagram, or hacks to get TikTok followers, but the trouble is knowing what to do once you get those followers. It’s one thing to have followers and a whole other thing to convert them into actual, regular listeners. So if you have a decent social media presence, but not very many episode downloads or listens, follow this 3-part framework to captivate your audience and get them to listen.

Get Clear on your Messaging

Imagine this: you walk into a shop and there are stuffed animals on one shelf, and rock and roll t-shirts on another. There’s also a table with notebooks and stationery and a section where they sell ice skates. When you walk into this store, you’re thinking, what the heck is this place? Nothing makes sense. What if that’s how your followers feel when scrolling through your Instagram? If you’re talking about 48 different topics (that honestly have nothing to do with each other) and each week you’re throwing something new at your followers, they aren’t going to have a clue what to expect from your podcast, so instead they just won’t listen. 

Instead, you need to get crystal clear on your message. What topics get you fired up? What’s the vibe you’re going for? What 3 things do you want your audience to know about? Once you understand the message you’re trying to share, creating content comes easy. And your message doesn’t have to be inspirational or earth-shattering. If your podcast is about the different types of soil and you get excited about loam, then share that excitement with your audience. Seriously, you never know who might be interested, you just have to be clear on what you’re offering.

Set Listener Expectations

Think of your social media as the opening act for your podcast - it’s where you grab attention and set the mood! If your social media profiles are boring and don’t enlighten your audience on what to expect from your podcast, they won’t follow you. 

For example, let’s say you have a wellness podcast where you talk mainly about breathwork, holistic medicine, and yoga. But your profile picture is of your dog, and your bio says something like, “loving life, dog mom, world traveller”. That might tell your audience a bit about you, but it doesn’t tell them about your podcast. People want to know how you will benefit them, and you, being a world traveller, may or may not help them. Instead, if you said something like, “Helping you breathe, live well and enjoy life. New podcast episodes every Tuesday” it’s clear what benefit your audience will gain and when they can expect it.

Be Consistent

Consistency is something that gets thrown around A LOT. In this case, I don’t mean post constantly and bombard your audience with random content just so you can reach your posting goal. No, I mean take your three message points (you know, the ones I mentioned earlier in this blog) and consistently talk about them. You don’t have to say the same things all the time. I suggest you switch it up. But as long as the content you are posting comes back to those 3 main message points, your audience will stay interested. 

To do this, take your main message points, and break them down into subcategories, for example; Breathwork: Meditation, Focus, Impacts on the Body, Anxiety Relief. Now you’ve got more specific topics that relate to your overall message.

What Does This Mean For You?

If you take one thing from this blog, it should be that it’s not enough to focus only on getting new followers. Instead, take the time to get clear on your messaging, make your profile welcoming, and keep consistent. If you do this, not only will you gain new followers naturally, but you’ll be able to turn those followers into podcast listeners, which after all is your goal right?

Hey there 👋 Nice to virtually meet you! I’m Chelsea, social media and podcast enthusiast. I’d love to get to know you better, so here are a few ways we can stay connected:

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