3 Social Media Trends to Leave In 2022 (& 3 To Bring With You In 2023)

TL;DR This blog outlines 3 social media trends to leave behind in 2022.

✅ Be authentic and unique rather than copying others

✅ Post with intention to engage your audience and add value.

✅ Embrace short-form video content like Reels and TikToks, and be flexible to pivot strategies when necessary.


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Do you feel like it’s impossible to create enough content for social media?

I’m going to be honest, 2022 was a weird year. I mean, it was great because I quit my corporate job, moved across the country AND started Honey Bee Social. But I also experienced loads of burnout, imposter syndrome and just general blah. Trying to rebuild a life after the *whispers* pandemic was no effortless task.

In managing my own social media & coaching many small businesses (like yourself) I have learned A LOT! There are many parts of social media that I really love. The getting to know other biz owners, the freedom of selling online & getting to be my boss (my boss doesn’t mind that I show up late with Starbucks🍵). BUUTTTTT, there are a few social media trends that we need to say goodbye to. Let’s go!!

Things to 👏 get 👏 rid 👏 of!

Copying others

I know it’s tempting to follow every trend and do what other big creators do. They see success, so if you do everything they do, you’ll see the same success, right? WRONG! Building up a loyal social media community will only happen if you act less like other creators and more like yourself. You’ve got a big, amazing personality, and people want to see that. As we scroll through social media, seeing trend after trend after trend, well, honestly, it gets boring. We don’t want to follow a bunch of accounts that are all the same.

Here’s the thing, you’ve got something good. Something unique you bring to the table. Maybe it’s your energy, or your knowledge in your niche, or even your dancing skills. Whatever makes you uniquely you, that’s what we need to see more of! Life is more fulfilling when you find your own unique path! So forget the urge to be anyone but yourself, and remember, there's no reward for blending in with the crowd.

Doing what you think you need to do

Social media is a hotbed of advice. Gurus and experts telling you to ‘do this’ and ‘don’t do that’ (you can even include this blog post, since I’m sort of telling you what to do, sorry). But‌ you don’t actually have to follow any of that advice if you don’t want to. For example, trending audios are great to use, but don’t feel like every audio you use has to be trending. Or if you use a trending audio, you can switch it up. Change the script, add a transition. Literally whatever you want. There aren’t actually any rules.

Doing things without intention

Be honest, have you been posting anything and everything on social media hoping someone will buy from you? Or do you have a strategy in place that will actually help you grow? If you have a strategy, congratulations, you can skip ahead. If you don’t have a strategy, then this is for you.

Posting on social media without intention or purpose won't help you reach your goals. It's important to create posts that will engage your audience and add value. Think about what your followers would want to see and create content around that.

Things to 🔥 keep 🔥 in 🔥 2023!

Keep Authenticity

Authenticity is the key for finding your own unique path. When you let go of trying to be someone else and instead focus on being yourself, it opens up so many possibilities for you to explore. You can also spend more time doing things with intention and purpose, and make sure that whatever you do or say is an accurate reflection of who you are.

The best way to stay authentic is to take time to reflect on who you are and what you stand for, and to make sure that your actions and decisions are in line with your values and beliefs. You should practice self-care and self-compassion. Taking time to nurture yourself and prioritize your needs can help you stay grounded and connected to your authentic self. Surround yourself and your business with people who lift you up, accept you for who you are, and help you stay true to yourself.

Keep Short Form Video (AKA Reels & TikToks)

Honestly, I don’t think I even need to say very much about this. Short form video is IN 👏 and it’s not going anywhere. People are consuming video content at an alarming rate! No really, TikTok had surpassed Netflix as the second most popular app for those under 35.

So if you haven’t made many videos yet, here’s your sign to start!

Keep pivoting when needed

So you’ve tried the trends, posted daily and still *crickets*. Now what? EASY, you pivot!

There are a million different ways you can run your business in an online world, and none of those ways are more right than the other. When running a business and managing social media, it’s important to remember that the only constant is change. So you tried something, gave it a few months, and that didn’t work. That’s OKAY!!! Look at what worked (and what didn’t) and switch up your strategy.

It’s far better to keep trying! Or if you’re really stuck, ask someone for help. There is absolutely no shame in failing. Fail a bunch, then learn a bunch. Then fail some more. That’s how you grow!

2023 is fast approaching, so plan ahead! Don't forget all that you've accomplished and learned - keep it with you so you can continue striving for your goals and setting new ones. Make the most of the next year and I'm wishing you all the best along the way!

Happy creating!


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