How to Turn One Idea into Nine Pieces of Content

TL;DR Transform one idea into nine pieces of engaging content! Start with a blog post, then repurpose it into a carousel, short videos, live videos, a podcast, an email campaign, Pinterest pins, an e-book, and a webinar. Expand your reach, engage your audience, and establish your expertise across multiple platforms effortlessly!


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Do you feel like it’s impossible to create enough content for social media?

If you said yes, keep reading! (If you said no, you must be a magician or something!)

Creating content for your small business doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. There’s no need to come up with tons of ideas and post them across multiple platforms. It’s actually quite simple; turn 1 idea into 9 fresh pieces of content! Before you know it, you’ll have plenty of outstanding content that is sure to keep your followers engaged. So here’s how to do it!

But first, a little about me, I’m Chelsea! I started Honey Bee Social with the mission of helping you create a powerful presence on social media! I help small business owners feel confident and savvy when it comes to navigating this ever-changing landscape. Okay, enough about me, let’s go!

First, you need one good idea. Something that is interesting to your audience. Maybe it’s, “5 reasons your products are worth the price” or, “How to get the most out of your [service]”. Make sure the idea has substance, something you could talk about for a while.

Have an idea in mind? Perfect!

Content Piece Number 1: Write a blog post

Here is where you start. Take your idea and bring it to life! This will be the longest part of the process. You’ll have to do the most heavy thinking here. Give your blog some substance, don’t just write a few lines and be done with it. You want to write something that your audience will actually want to read. Add Headings and subheadings, add some lists, make sure the information is easy to follow!

Not only will you get a piece of long form content, blogs are evergreen and great for driving traffic to your website. (P.S. Evergreen content is SEO content that is continually relevant. It stays fresh for readers & continually drives new traffic)

Content Piece Number 2: Make a Carousel

Next we take that blog & transform it for Instagram! Carousel posts are great for engagement, people love to swipe through those fun & helpful posts. Remember earlier when I said to add some lists into your blog? This is where that comes in handy! Take that list from your blog, and put those points on a multi-page post.

The first page of your carousel will be the title page. You can use the same title as your blog, just remember not to make it too clickbait-y (no one wants that). Then create up to 10 slides summarizing the info in your blog. Remember, the caption should be engaging to keep people reading. You can also direct them to your blog if they want more info!

Content Piece Number 3: Short Videos

Social media gurus and experts are constantly talking about how amazing video content is, so here’s what you can do. Summarize your content even further and put it in a short form video. Turn it into a TikTok, Reel AND YouTube Short (Okay, so that’s 3 pieces of content but I’m only counting it as 1 here). Start your video off with a hook, something that will capture and KEEP attention. Then you add value, list the items from your carousel, shortening them so they’re quick and easy to read. Be sure to close with a call to action, something like “give us a follow” or, “Read our blog for more info”

Content Piece Number 4: Live Videos

Remember earlier when I said to pick an idea you can talk a lot about? Good! This is where that comes in handy. Nurture and connect to your audience through live video. You don’t have to talk forever. It can be as short as a few minutes. But take the time to explain your idea and expand on some of the more interesting points. Answer questions people may have and show yourself as the expert. Once the live video is done, you can post it to your feed so people can watch it later.

Content Piece Number 5: Podcast

Now is the time to expand on your live video. You’ve talked about it, you’ve gotten some feedback from your audience, now perfect the idea through a podcast! If you’re just starting out, don’t worry about having the latest fancy equipment, just make sure you speak clearly & get your point across in a fun way. Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular. They’re great for busy people who like to do 2 things at once. This is also another piece of evergreen content you can promote again and again.

Content Piece Number 6: Email Campaign

Don’t forget to tell people about your amazing blog post or podcast. Spread the word by sending out an email campaign. Often people forget or don’t count an email as a piece of content, but I do. Not everyone in your audience is on social media. Some may be quietly following you through email, so it’s important not to forget about them! You can send out multiple emails, one for your blog, your podcast, and your downloadable items (like E-books & webinars)!

Content Piece Number 7: Pinterest

Now it’s time to reach new audiences. Create multiple pins with different graphics that can capture different people’s attention. Post them regularly to drive traffic to your blog or podcast. You can share pins of all your evergreen content (blogs, podcasts, E-books & webinars), to keep driving traffic to your website. You can also transform your IG carousels into idea pins! These are multi paged pins you can use to share pieces of information with your audience. Keep them short and engaging!

Content Piece Number 8: E-Book

This one doubles as a lead magnet to help direct people to your email list! Take your blog, and instead of summarizing it, this time we are going to expand on it. Add in even more detail, give more tips. Want them to learn something? Throw in some worksheets to help your audience out! A free E-Book download? That's music to everyone's ears! It's the perfect way to get people excited about your brand and show them what you're all about. Plus, who can resist getting something for zero cost? People will flock to that download faster than you can say 'free stuff!'

Content Piece Number 9: Webinar

This one ALSO doubles as a lead magnet! Transform that book baby you worked so hard on into something the world can appreciate. Set it live or pre-tape for extra wow factor. Don't forget to share it on social and let your email list know about the big event - it's time to shine!

There you have it!

The coolest thing about most of this content is that it's timeless! You don't have to worry about your ideas going stale - just take a few jaw-dropping concepts and make them last forever!

If you want to see how I implement this EXACT content strategy, subscribe to my blog AND follow me on Instagram to see it in action!


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